
Hormone Replacement Therapy

Medical clinic servicing Newark, Glasgow, DE and the surrounding areas

Hormone Replacement Therapy

If a hormone imbalance negatively affects your health and wellness, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) provides symptom relief, rebalancing your life. The team at Anodyne Pain & Wellness Solutions provides HRT to new and existing patients. Call the Newark, Delaware office, or go online to schedule a consultation appointment and learn more about the benefits of HRT.

What is hormone replacement therapy?

Hormones are naturally occurring chemicals in your body. Key hormones control your metabolism, sexual responsiveness, moods and emotions, and even sleep rhythms. Sex hormones also play important roles in sex differentiation and reproductive biology.

Whether you’re male or female, your hormones play a significant role in your day-to-day health and wellness.

HRT uses hormone supplementation to address hormone imbalances, effectively relieving related symptoms.

Your HRT may use one of a variety of delivery methods, including pills, creams, or even subdermal release, depending on your lifestyle needs and preferences. You need different hormone supplementation based on the type of hormone imbalance that’s affecting you.

Why would I need hormone replacement therapy?

Changes related to aging or the impacts of other health conditions can cause your body to stop producing key hormones at needed levels. HRT helps restore your hormonal baselines.

If your hormones aren’t in balance, you can experience unwanted symptoms, including:

  • Weight gain and metabolism changes
  • Insomnia and sleeplessness
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Sexual dysfunction

Your hormones even impact your sense of temperature.

Who can benefit from hormone replacement therapy?

Many individuals may be able to benefit from starting HRT. This type of treatment is both common and popular as a solution for hormone-related issues and symptoms.

  • Good candidates for hormone therapy include:
  • Women going through menopause
  • Men dealing with hormonal impacts of aging
  • Individuals of any age with conditions impacting hormone levels or balance

At Anodyne Pain & Wellness, the practice provides HRT as part of a commitment to functional medicine. The team uses treatments like HRT to address your whole-body health and wellness and target the root cause of symptoms that trouble you.

How do I start hormone replacement therapy?

If you think you might benefit from HRT, contact the medical clinic team at Anodyne Pain & Wellness Solutions. With testing and symptom review, the team determines if HRT is right for you and reviews your options for dosage, delivery, and other aspects of your treatment.

To learn more about hormone replacement therapy, schedule your initial consultation appointment at Anodyne Pain & Wellness Solutions online or over the phone.