
How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?

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How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?

Hormones do a lot for your body, even more than you may realize. Your hormones are responsible for bone and muscle health, blood pressure regulation, metabolism, appetite, body weight, sexual development, and sleep cycles. And that’s not even an exhaustive list. 

Because your hormones are so intricately woven into so many bodily functions, it makes sense that your health and wellness can be severely impacted if your hormone levels aren’t where they should be. 

Hormone imbalances can significantly impact your quality of life. That’s why our functional medicine team at Anodyne Pain and Wellness Solutions in Newark, Delaware, offers hormone replacement therapy to restore balance and improve your health.

Here, we explore why you might need hormone replacement therapy and how it works.

What is hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment method that uses synthetic hormones to replace the ones you’ve lost. It’s often used to treat hormonal imbalances that occur due to growing older, but it can also address issues with improper hormone levels from conditions such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s syndrome

Who can benefit from hormone replacement therapy?

You may notice symptoms of perimenopause as early as your mid-30s with full-blown symptoms typically peaking in your 40s and 50s. As you enter menopause, the decrease in estrogen can cause symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia. 

Men’s testosterone levels peak around age 18-19 and then steadily decline throughout adulthood. You may start to notice symptoms of low testosterone levels as you reach the ages of 40-50. Common signs of low testosterone levels include weight gain, low libido, and mood swings. 

Whether you’re dealing with low estrogen or low testosterone, hormone replacement therapy can help restore your well-being by raising the low levels of hormones. 

What to expect from hormone replacement therapy

Three main hormones used during hormone replacement therapy are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Before determining the combination of hormones that will work best for you and the amount you need, our team performs testing to evaluate your hormone levels. 

Hormone replacement therapy can be administered in a variety of different ways, including: 

  • Topical creams
  • Capsules
  • Patches
  • Injections

The goal is for the supplemental hormones to seamlessly replace the natural ones you’ve lost to minimize your symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. 

Typically, hormone replacement therapy works best when you’re also making healthy lifestyle choices. We recommend making sure you’re eating a nutritious diet, drinking enough hydrating fluids, exercising regularly, managing your stress levels, and getting plenty of sleep. 

To learn if hormone replacement therapy might be a good option for you, schedule an appointment with our team by calling our office at 302-208-5589 or by booking online today.